Stop Shoulding.

I have gotten into the habit of shoulding myself. That’s right. I should myself way too much.  I have no idea why people even want to be around me because I am shoulding all over the place.  It’s time it stopped.

I caught myself the other day shoulding. I was having coffee with a good friend and I said out loud, “I should be making hula hoops.” As soon as I said it, I thought, “Did I just really say that out loud? That is very craptastic.”

Yes, my shoulding has become craptastic. I am shoulding my friends away. And what good does shoulding do? If I say “I should be making hula hoops” and I still choose to have coffee with a friend why am I wasting the energy on even saying should. It’s not going to change. I made my decision to have coffee and I was doing it. But still I let part of my brain be in another world of shoulds instead of in the moment.

I am challenging myself to cut should out of my vocabulary.  I am going to try my hardest to never should myself again.

How often do you should?

One thought on “Stop Shoulding.

  1. Hi! Thanks for the comment. I feel like I’ve bathed in the hooping kool-aid. I feel like it’s changing my life in positive ways.

    I like this post. It reminds me to focus on my obligations and don’t procrastinate on them (which ends up taking more time) so I can spend my free time in the hoop, making hoops, studying hoopers and spreading the love. 🙂

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